Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time

Department today


The Department trains specialists in the direction of the educational and professional program "Surface mining of mineral deposits" specialty 184 "Mining". The department is headed by a well-known scientist, specialist in mining, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Prof. Borys Sobko.

The department provides training at the following educational levels: bachelors, masters, and doctors of philosophy.

The educational process is provided by 3 professions, 6 docents and one assistant. Post-graduate and doctoral programs operate at the department. In 2023, 3 graduate students are studying at the graduate school. A total of 15 employees work at the department, including researchers and service personnel. All of them are graduates of our university.

During 2015 - 2021, seven dissertations were defended at the department. Two doctoral dissertations have been prepared for defense.

In 2019, the GITS Laboratory was founded at the department.

The department supervises the different practices of students, which, as a rule, takes place at leading mining enterprises that use modern geo-information technologies, mining and transport equipment. Constant cooperation with leading mining enterprises allows to ensure the employment of graduates.


Room 7/411


Room 1/25

The teachers of the department necessarily undergo internships at European universities and research institutes, including the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, as well as at mining enterprises, which allows them to update their knowledge of scientific and industrial activities. Bachelor's and master's students, as well as postgraduate students of the department, undergo internships at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany).

The teachers of the department take an active part in scientific work. Annually, 2-3 state budget researches and 5-6 privat contract research and design works are carried out. The main directions of scientific activity of the department's employees: geo-information technologies at the development of open pits; resource-saving technologies of open pits; complex development of mineral raw materials; extraction and processing of non-metallic minerals; design and planning of surface mining, etc. Also, the staff of the department created the "Institute for the Design of Mining Enterprises" (scientific supervisor Assoc. Prof. Oleh Anisimov), the "Center for Mining Information Technologies" (scientific supervisor Prof. Borys Sobko), the "Laboratory of Geoinformation Technologies and Seismic Surveys" (prof. Oleksii Lozhnikov), in which the actual problems of surface mininig of mineral deposits are solved.


In the auditorium on 1/25 during lectures (before reconstruction in 2015)

At the department, considerable attention is paid to the involvement students in research work. The "Center for Scientific and Technical Creativity of Youth" has been established at the department, which annually employs 10 students. The best students of the department receive promotions and personal scholarships. Students who knows English or German have the opportunity to continue their studies at the TU Bergakademie Freiberg (Germany) and the Montan University of Leoben (Austria) with the receipt of three European-style diplomas.

At the department, a subject audience named after professor M.G. Novozhilova (room 1/25) and the Ferrexpo computer class (room 7/409).


Practice room 7/409

In 2018, as a sign of gratitude to the Dnipro University of Technology for many years of cooperation, the training of highly qualified specialists of Poltava Mining PRJSC contributed to the opening of a new computer class for the Department of Surface Mining, which is equipped with 13 computers, a multimedia screen and furniture. When training specialists used licensed software in the field of minerals deposits exploitation is used: Surpac (France), Micromine (Australia), K-Mine (Ukraine)


At the opening of the Ferrexpo computer class, 2018



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